Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Importance of Germanic Names and Wyrd

Since the forced conversion of the Germanic peoples it has gradually become the fashion and the norm for parents to give their babies non-Germanic and often non-Aryan names, particularly biblical names, whether they be traditionally jewish or christian in nature. This trend in recent years has got far worse with the numbers of Nordic children being given names such as Isaac, Jacob and Joshua increasing.

Taken from

1. Oliver
2. Jack
3. Harry
4. Charlie
5. James
6. Joshua
7. Alfie
8. Thomas
9. Jacob
10. Ethan
11. Noah
12. Daniel
13. George
14. William
15. Samuel
16. Alexander
17. Oscar
18. Lucas
19. Dylan
20. Max
21. Benjamin
22. Henry
23. Leo
24. Ryan
25. Matthew
26. Finley
27. Isaac
28. Aiden
29. Jayden
30. Jake
31. Joseph
32. Alex
33. Logan
34. Luke
35. Muhammad
36. Nathan
37. Archie
38. Freddie
39. Riley
40. Connor
41. Ben
42. Sam
43. Lewis
44. Zachary
45. Toby
46. Theo
47. Aaron
48. Louis
49. Tyler
50. David
51. Sebastian
52. Reuben
53. Liam
54. Adam
55. Ollie
56. Edward
57. Luca
58. Harrison
59. Elliot
60. Callum
61. Finn
62. Jamie
63. Rhys
64. Michael
65. Mason
66. Cameron
67. Elijah
68. Owen
69. Gabriel
70. Jackson
71. Seth
72. Blake
73. Leon
74. Jude
75. Tom
76. Caleb
77. Kayden
78. Arthur
79. Evan
80. Pip
81. Dexter
82. Eli
83. Nathaniel
84. Harvey
85. Robert
86. Joel
87. Felix
88. Austin
89. Christopher
90. Stanley
91. Josh
92. Kai
93. Rory
94. Jasper
95. Andrew
96. Patrick
97. Harley
98. Finlay
99. Aidan
100. Louie

1. Lily
2. Emily
3. Isabella
4. Sophia
5. Isabelle
6. Sophie
7. Olivia
8. Ava
9. Chloe
10. Isla
11. Amelia
12. Jessica
13. Grace
14. Evie
15. Charlotte
16. Ella
17. Mia
18. Lucy
19. Freya
20. Ruby
21. Holly
22. Ellie
23. Hannah
24. Emma
25. Abigail
26. Megan
27. Jasmine
28. Daisy
29. Matilda
30. Erin
31. Poppy
32. Imogen
33. Maisie
34. Layla
35. Phoebe
36. Eva
37. Molly
38. Maya
39. Scarlett
40. Annabelle
41. Alice
42. Sienna
43. Amelie
44. Lola
45. Caitlin
46. Amy
47. Madison
48. Katie
49. Zoe
50. Florence
51. Elisabeth
52. Amber
53. Summer
54. Rosie
55. Emilia
56. Rebecca
57. Leah
58. Evelyn
59. Millie
60. Esme
61. Eleanor
62. Willow
63. Georgia
64. Zara
65. Lacey
66. Anna
67. Rose
68. Lexie
69. Eliza
70. Lauren
71. Bella
72. Elsie
73. Eloise
74. Isobel
75. Sarah
76. Martha
77. Keira
78. Faith
79. Niamh
80. Gracie
81. Gabriella
82. Skye
83. Harriet
84. Kayla
85. Alyssa
86. Maria
87. Nicole
88. Nina
89. Paige
90. Kate
91. Orla
92. Bethany
93. Iris
94. Alexandra
95. Sofia
96. Lilly
97. Isabel
98. Hollie
99. Annabel
100. Laila

I have highlighted in bold text those names which are Jewish, Arabic or New Testament in origin. A significant number of the rest are Germanic or even German in origin.

As Wodenists we know that the granting of a name to a child imparts a certain wyrd to that child that influences his character and his luck. Therefore we choose names that are Germanic, that is pre-christian and often these names incorporate the names of our Gods and Godesses.
Vilhelm Groenbech in his The Culture of the Teutons Volume 2 under Chapter 3 Name and Inheritance has this to say on the matter:

"At the point where the new-born child is adopted by the clan he is brought into contact with the power that resides in the possessions of the race. When the father gives the little one a name, and thus determines his fate by speaking a soul into him....." [My emphasis].

It is still the tradition within families for children to be named after their parents, grandparents or other ancestors and this custom goes back to ancient times. It was believed that by doing so one is assisting the rebirth of ones ancestors or kin. This is a good custom and should be encouraged but if the said names are not Germanic in character then it is far better to depart with this custom and instead to use pre-christian Germanic ones. I also encourage adults who bear such forenames or even surnames to relinquish them and choose ones that are more in character with one`s ethnicity and beliefs. This is something which I have done and consequently I have founded a new `dynasty`.

By continuing to impart foreign, ie non-Germanic names, especially non-Aryan names to our children we are granting a foreign and utterly alien character and wyrd to our children. Part of our awakening as an Aryo-Germanic people must be the recognition that Germanic children should be bear Germanic names.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Dream of the Reawakening of the English Folk

This morning I had a very interesting and what I feel to be a significant dream about the future of Wodenism in England.
My dream commenced with me viewing an online video of a Woden`s Folk event on my computer at work surrounded by other people who took an interest in what I was viewing.
The video overwhelmingly featured children dressed in red and white costumes and wearing horned helmets.
The scene of the dream then switched to me attending a very large meeting of folkish Wodenists who had gathered from all over England to celebrate England Day or as it is more commonly known-St. George`s Day. There were hundreds of people-all white and all English who came to gather in what was a carnival type of atmosphere. It was a sunny and happy day. I remember saying to a bystander, an old man with a beard "how proud people are of being English".
Coaches of people were arriving but most of these people were old people and I remarked to someone that "these people were probably not Woden`s Folk" but nevertheless were gathering to celebrate this special day.
Significantly there were old people and children who were predominant in this dream. This large number of old people are representative of our ancestors, the children being our descendants, signifying an unbroken genetic link between the past and the future. Our ancient Wodenic religion was being revived and was growing in popularity. The red and white costumes signify the colours of the English Cross flag and the White Dragon flag. The children`s horned helmets represent our Germanic heritage. The coaches signify a communal experience and means of getting to our ultimate destination and achieving our shared goal.
I believe this dream to be prophetic and I cannot help but draw a link between this and the coming referendum on Scottish independance. Freed of Scotland England and the ethnic English people will once again regain their Germanic English identity and proudly reassert this again in the world.
England`s premier Wodenist organisation, Woden`s Folk may be found on

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Volsunga Saga, Heroism and Blood Purity

One frequently hears non-folkish heathens making silly statements to the effect that our ancestors welcomed foreigners and did not discriminate against other races and indeed had no concept of race.
Let me address the first two opinions first. Our pre-christian Aryo-Germanic ancestors had a loyalty to their family, their clan, their tribe and their ethnic group[and by extension race]. In those times different Germanic peoples were able to communicate with each other with little difficulty. Any one who has studied Old English and Icelandic which is closely related to Old Norse will agree with me on that point. They recognised a kinship of blood, language and common religion.
Our ancestors fiercely defended the territories that they occupied from foreign invaders-unlike their feminised descendants today who bend over backwards to admit the most racially diverse peoples to invade their lands, squander their resources and impregnate their women. How different modern effeminate and metrosexual man is compared to his heroic forefathers. Even their foremothers had more balls than they.

Ancient man, not just Germanic man recognised racial differences and this subject is explored in great detail in Race in Ancient Egypt & The Old Testament by A.H. Sayce and R. Peterson. A study of ancient Egyptian art settles that question once and for all.
I would like to draw your attention to a very interesting segment from The Volsunga Saga, translated by William Morris, the first English translation from 1907:

`Then spake Volsung the king, "All people and nations shall tell of the word I spake, yet being unborn, wherein I vowed a vow that I would flee in fear from neither fire nor the sword; even so have I done hitherto, and shall I depart therefrom now I am old? Yea withal never shall the maidens mock these my sons at the games, and cry out at them that they fear death; once alone must all men need die, and from that season shall none escape; so my rede it is that we flee nowhither, but do the work of our hands in as manly wise as we may; a hundred fights have I fought and whiles I had more, and whiles I had less, and yet ever had I the victory, nor shall it ever be heard tell of me that I fled away or prayed for peace."`

These brave words were spoken by Volsung, great grandson of Woden to his daughter Signy, the mother of Sinfjotli by her brother Sigmund. Volsung and his sons lived and died by these words of heroism at the hands of their enemy Siggeir, king of Gothland and the husband of Signy.

By contrast today`s Germanic man is certainly not an heroic type. This may in part be due to the loss of the best blood of our race in two needless world wars for the cause of zionism. Another important factor is that Aryo-Germanic man has been systematically made to feel guilt for his race, a guilt first initiated by Judeo-Christianity and then further intensified by the holohaux by the Jews. Even today Germanic Englishmen will willingly enter the service of the zionist regime that runs this country but shirks from defending his land from the aliens who are breaking in here and are already here, raping and looting at will whyilst Aryo-Germanic man looks on emasculated, afraid to call a spade a spade and afraid of his own shadow.
Isreal is more important to him than the survival of his own folk, land and race.

One by one Sigmund`s nine brothers were killed by a she-wolf, reckoned by some to be the troll-wife of King Siggeir. Sigmund survives and for years whilst living underground and living by his wits his sister Signy presents her two sons to him to act as a help-mate but they prove to have inherited their father Siggeir`s bad, ignoble and cowardly blood. Recognising that personal qualities and human characteristics are transmitted by the blood or what we would now call DNA Signy changed outward form and mates with her brother producing a fine and heroic child and his name was Sinfjotli and he proves to be 100% Volsung, which of course he was, being more Volsung than either of his fine parents.
This demonstrates that our ancient Germanic Woden honouring ancestors acknowledged the power of genetic transmission and the importance of blood purity. This is a lesson for modern day Aryo-Germanic man. I hope that it is a lesson that it is not too late for him to yet learn!

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