Friday, April 23, 2010

England Awake!

Today is "St George`s Day", England Day. Best wishes to all Anglo-Saxon men, women and children whereever you may be on this sacred day.
St George who is the patron saint of not just England but also of Germany and many other European countries and cities is merely the christianised version of the original Germanic dragon slaying archetype, Sigurd Fafnirsbane, also known as Siegfried in the German lands. It is no wonder then that St George or what he represents-the Germanic dragon slaying archetype should resonate so strongly with English people and by English people I am of course referring only to those people who are ethnically of English descent. One is English by blood not by accident of where one is born. In other words-Anglo-Saxon.
The flag of England-the George Cross is mistakenly viewed by some heathens as being a Christian symbol. It is most certainly not. It has its very origins in the ancient Aryan Sun Cross or Sunwheel and for this reason many folkish Wodenists such as myself continue to use this banner within our sacred rites on this hoy day in conjunction with the White Dragon banner of the ancient English.
The Sun Cross or Sunwheel we must not forget is also a representation of the Eye of Woden and shares an affinity with the "Celtic Cross", another sacred symbol that I shall be using when I conduct the sacred rites of my kindred today.
In the last 10 years we have witnessed an unprecedented resurgence of the George Cross in everyday life from sporting events to political demonstrations and this is a sure indication that the English people-the Anglo-Saxon inhabitants of England are waking up and will one day throw off the shackles of their `liberal` capitalist genocidal overlords!
Symbols speak louder than words and are the means by which the Unconscious mind, particularly the Collectice Racial Unconscious can communicate with the Conscious mind.
England Awake!


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