Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yule, Christmas, Capitalism and the BNP

On the evening of the winter solstice day I and the kindred which I lead commemorated Modraniht, the beginning of the Yule season. Yule is not confined to simply one or several days but actually is a season which spans December and January. The prechristian Germanic peoples only recognised a ten month year. The month of Aerra Jiuli[`Before Yule`] covered December and this was originally the tenth month which is obvious from its Latin name and Aeftera Jiuli[`After Yule`] which covered January.
Naturally the masses of today, heavily influenced by the alien religion of Christianity and market forces focus all their material efforts on just one day, the 25th December without giving any thought at all as to why they do what they do, programmed like robots to keep those cash tills turning over, a veritable shopkeeper`s and capitalist paradise.
Like the imporant Germanic prechristian feast of Easter the christians hijacked Yule and even today many of them refuse to acknowledge the prechristian origins of the season or are blissfully ignorant of it. Even Nick Griffin, the leader of the British National Party, a man who you would think would be aware of the prechristian origins of Yule shamelessly promotes Christmas and defends it as part of British `tradition` without acknowledging that Christianity is an alien eastern religion which invaded Europe and sought to annihilate genuine Aryan spiritual traditions. A defence of Yule I can understand, but Christmas? Why? It is obviously a cynical ploy by Mr Griffin to harness what he considers to be christian and thus anti-muslim forces to his crusade. In doing so he recklessly ignores that it is not Islam which has brought the indigenous British peoples to this present crisis but Christianity and the hidden hand of Zionism. Islam is merely a symptom of the disease; it is not the cause. A wise physician always seeks to cure an illness by identifying and treating the cause not the symptoms which are but a side effect of the problem.
Needless to say many will wake up in a few days from their debauchery and hang overs and rue the amount of money they have wasted and will have to pay back on their credit cards, getting themselves even further into needless debt but will start the whole capitalist process off again in nine months time! The false and nauseous seasonal pity, cheer and kindness will like stardust disappear again in the twinkling eye to be repeated again in twelve months time.
What follows is an articled from this blog originally published on 21st December 2008:

Modraniht is Old English for `Mothers-night`, an ancient Anglo-Saxon feast referred to by the Venerable Bede in De temporum ratione 13. He wrote that the still heathen Anglo-Saxons hold a sacrifice in the New Year in the modraniht id est matrum nocturum["the Modraniht, that is, in the night of the mothers[=matrons?]"]
This feast corresponds to other Germanic Yule-tide festivals. It was once speculated that this may have been a Celtic festival but this is largely refuted these days.
Modraniht may be associated with the cult of the mothers or the matrons largely found amongst the West Germanic tribes and the disablot celebrated by the North Germanic tribes in Scandinavia.
The Matrons or matronae are Mother-goddesses to whom votive stones and altars were set up between the 1st and 5th centuries CE. There are approximately 1100 inscriptions and half give Germanic matron names. The matron cult was also to found amongst the Celtic tribes.
Almost exclusively these matrons were presented in groups of three. These females were worshipped as matrons or Mother-goddesses.
Their functions involved fertility, childbirth, the protection of the family and occasionally to act as war-goddesses. These correspond to the disir in the North Germanic areas.
The dirir were female fertility deities. The word stems from the Old Swedish dis.
This is possibly related to the Old Saxon Idisi mentioned in the First Merseburg Charm.
The disablot is recorded twice in two Icelandic sagas from the middle of the 13th century CE.
In Viga-Glums saga 6 the disablot is celebrated at a Norwegian farm at the beginning of winter in mid-October. Egilssaga 44 also mentions a disablot at an autumnal festival in Norway.
Snorri Sturluson writing in the Ynglinga saga 33 identifies a similar feast at Uppsala in Sweden.
Literary sources indicate that the cult of the disir was more common in Sweden than in West Nordic regions.

First Merseburg Charm

Once the Idisi set forth, to this place and that;
Some fastened fetters; some hindered the horde,
Some loosed the bonds from the brave
Leap forth from the fetters! Escape from the foes!


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