Monday, October 1, 2012

Anglo-Saxon Priest of Woden Amulet Discovered in Norfolk

Taken from the Norfolk Museums & Archaeology website: This Anglo-Saxon pendant dates from about 600AD. It was found by a metal detectorist in a field in Attleborough, Norfolk. The pendant shows a man with a beard, wearing a hat or helmet with two horns which join at the top. Men with horned headgear have nothing to do with the Vikings! Most depictions of horned helmets are in fact early Anglo-Saxon in date. Similar pendants to this one have been found elsewhere in Norfolk and in Hampshire and have horns that end in small bird heads. These may represent the Germanic god Woden, or Odin with his two ravens. This pendant might have a cult or religious importance and could have been worn by a priest. The pendant is just over 4cm high and 2.5cm wide.


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